Coronation Street brochure
Coronation Street brochure
Coronation Street brochure
Coronation Street brochure
Coronation Street brochure
Coronation Street On Tour souvenir guidebook

Coronation Street On Tour is one of the UK’s most popular visitor attractions, giving fans the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the show’s most famous characters and explore many of its iconic interiors.

It was therefore a privilege to be asked to design a special 48 page souvenir brochure celebrating the history of the world’s longest running soap, which would take pride of place in the attraction’s popular gift shop.

The project involved several weeks researching the history of the soap, its most memorable storylines and sourcing humorous narratives that have been a staple of the show’s popularity for so many years.

Following approval from ITV Studios, the brochure was printed using high end specialist papers and finishes including gold foiling on the cover. It sold out all 100k copies and proved to be a significant revenue earner for the Tour.


ITV Studios



Print design



December 2016